Thursday, February 2, 2012


In the beginning how was it?

It was God who realized the need for man not to be alone (Genesis 2:18), this shows that God is interested in marriage. God now thought of how he can meet this need, he said, “...I will make a helper who is just right for him (NLT)”. God still speaks on who to marry but how many people are waiting on Him for whom to marry?


The kind of choice we make as individual is based on our value system. What we get attracted to depend on our internal makeup which comprises of our environment, our upbringing, our belief etc, while what gets attracted to us mostly depends on our outward appearance first, and then the internal makeup follows.

“Romans 12:2 NLT Don’t copy the behaviour and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect”

God gave us the power of choice; we have the ability to choose anything we want, this is an ultimate privilege man has ever gotten from God irrespective of man’s belief. Our decision about anything solely rests on us. However, Romans12:2 make us to understand that we need to be able to discern the good, acceptable and perfect will of God. This tells us that as much as we have the power of choice, there is also a place of God’s will; at this point we are aligning our choices with God’s plan for our lives.


After God had realized the need for a helper for Adam, God went ahead to form the wild animals and livestock from the ground (Adam was also made from the ground), then God brought them to Adam to see what he would call them and whatever he calls them is their name. Adam named all the animals and the bible recorded that there was still no helper just right for Adam Genesis 2:20

Was God expecting Adam to find a helper out of the animals? So if the long-necked giraffe, or the beautiful whale or any of the good-looking monkeys, were attractive enough, Adam would have chosen a helpmeet from them and God wouldn’t have had any influence on that decision. That’s how powerful our ability to choose is, whatever we choose to do becomes ours, we live with it, we move with it, it’s our choice and it becomes our life.

Adam didn’t find any of the animals attractive to him; he didn’t find what he was looking out for in his helpmeet in them, so he was left alone still. Now the question is what framed up Adam’s choice? How did he come to the state of having what he’s looking for in a helpmeet, what built up his choice? 

Find out what builds our choice in our next post here. 

Remain Blessed

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